week 2 term 4 2017
welcome back for our last term this year. It will go fast....9 weeks and 1 has gone already.
We are presenting assembly in week 6 with room 16 and we are also swimming this term - week 8.
Make sure you have a read of the newsletter to see what we are up to this term.
This term our syndicate will be focussing on technology linked to transport and the history of transport. We are excited to explore the different means of transport and identify how transport has changed over time. As a team we aim to integrate learning opportunities through reading, writing and maths. This helps to create powerful learning connections.
This term is a busy and exciting term.
We have a number of educational activities that are taking place this term. We appreciate your help. Your support makes these events possible offering our children amazing opportunities to learn outside the classroom.
Make sure you have a read of the newsletter to see what we are up to this term.
This term our syndicate will be focussing on technology linked to transport and the history of transport. We are excited to explore the different means of transport and identify how transport has changed over time. As a team we aim to integrate learning opportunities through reading, writing and maths. This helps to create powerful learning connections.
This term is a busy and exciting term.
We have a number of educational activities that are taking place this term. We appreciate your help. Your support makes these events possible offering our children amazing opportunities to learn outside the classroom.
Parihaka - Marae Trip
We are acknowledging Parihaka Remembrance Day on Wednesday 8th November where the whole school will be walking to the Whakarongotai Marae. We will be leaving school at 9:30am and returning to school by 11:30am.
We have been invited to attend a free art talk at the Mahara Gallery with Art Educator Paul Forrest. Paul Forrest has extensive experience working with young people which he gained during his several years as the Educator for the NZ Real Art Road Show. Paul will talk to our children about art and art galleries and he also has several interactive activities to engage our students. We will require parent help.
If you are able to assist in this event please let me know. Friday 17th November 1:30pm - 2:30pm Room 15
Play Based Learning
As a team we continue to be ongoing in our professional development of Play Based Learning. The benefits of play are immense. We have noticed that our New Entrant children are experiencing seamless transitions into school as the Play Based Learning approach is similar to those used in Early Childhood Centres. This “familiar approach to learning” ensures our children feel comfortable at school, developing positive social interactions with their peers and improving confidence. In recent observations in class, it was amazing to hear the high level of dialogue between children who were initiating role play and managing themselves to be problem solvers. In other instances children have been observed creating their own “maths” learning. This was evident as some students explored the speed and distance of an object moving across different surfaces. And in another instance, the learning of gravity through water travelling through pipes. The opportunities for learning through play are countless and initiated by children which means our children have ownership over their learning.
Our Term Ahead Important Dates;
Week 2: Monday 23rd October - Labour Day
Week 3: Tuesday 31st October - Southwards Museum
Week 4: Wednesday 8 November - Parihaka
Week 5: Mahara Gallery Visits
Week 6: Mahara Gallery Visits
Week 6: Swimming Begins
Week 8: Tuesday 5th December - St Lukes Trip
Week 9: Monday 11th December - Syndicate Picnic
Week 9 : Friday 15th December - Last day (12:00pm finish)
Calendar Art
Kapanui PFA have organsied
Calendar Art and our
children’s art looks amazing.
Please support our PFA &
our school by placing orders.
These calendars, dairies and
cards make very special gifts.
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