Sunday, 22 March 2015

week 8 term 1 2015

week 8

letter Ee elephant toothpaste video

SCIENCE IN ACTION hydrogen peroxide 6% ( water with an extra oxygen) plus yeast/ food colouring and detergent= elephant toothpaste

This is our final week celebrating Movin March. Wednesday car free day: encourage your parents to drop you off at the beginning of Rimu or leave the car at home! Points for all walkers, bikers and scooters.

 Friday: Breakfast at 8am in the School Hall. Decorate the school gate with class celebrations of Movin March. Nga Manu wheels day Friday (you were rained out last week). 

Remember your sensory maps and your bike competition entries

1 comment:

  1. Sam really enjoyed making elephant toothpaste. She said it is made from dish soap and colour!


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