Sunday, 13 May 2012

Niwa with Carol and Steve

The day was busy...looking both at Nga Manu and Niwa . plenty of photos and some great science along the way.Good company and a super lunch thanks to Carol.

the collection library and black coral


gold coral

a sea slater from the ocean depths 7000m deep

brittle starfish


sea snakes...not from our waters

Carol ...our expert scientist....a thing to collect sediment from sea water

things to collect sea water

Hapuku tanks - groper

sea cucumbers...trying to find out if they are any good under mussel or salmon farms as they eat detritus

Paua- growth/ feeding experiments

note the tag which grows into the shell

amazing room ...experimenting with pH in sea water to emulate global warming and what will happen to shells etc
wow what a day !!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you all had a great day! Love the gold coral and the brittle starfish.
    What was the white growths on the black coral?
    What sorts of pH occur in the sea? How acid or base can it get?
    I assume it really affects the sea life if an area is high in acid or base.
    What have they found out so far?


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