Room 15 at Kapanui School is a year one/ two class at Kapanui School in 2019.We are discoverers and want you to be a part of our whanau. Be a part of our class blog and begin our journey for 2019. Welcome to our blog!
Here you will find children's writing, maths, weekly activities and it will update you on class happenings. Keep Kapanui Fun Fifteen on your bookmarks tab and be involved!
TGhe sun set too soon tonDight Now Emwe are in the last of lDight Far Ggone is the golden hourD
The Emdark could never dim yoDur eyes We'll Gtip toe through the streets, And crDeep over the eaves And ruEmn across the roofs, And hiDde like common thieves We'll Ggo in till the stars expireD So herEme is where the culprit liesDEmGsus/CGD
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight EmGsus/CGD
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight EmGsus/CGD
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight EmGsus/CGD
It's only you and I GThe sun set too soon inD this town We'rEme pushing statues to thDe ground GI know you are the wrecDkless kind The Emcrashing is the sweetesDt sound We'll Gtiptoe through the streets And crDeep over the eaves
And ruEmn across the roofs And hiDde from the police
Our heGarts are picking pockets ouDt My darEmling don't you turn back noDw EmGsus/CGD
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
It's only you and I
TGhe sun set too soon tonDight Now Emwe are in the last of lDight EmGsus/CGD
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
It's only you and I
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
Oh we'll steal love songs tonight
It's only you and I