Room 15 at Kapanui School is a year one/ two class at Kapanui School in 2019.We are discoverers and want you to be a part of our whanau. Be a part of our class blog and begin our journey for 2019. Welcome to our blog!
Here you will find children's writing, maths, weekly activities and it will update you on class happenings. Keep Kapanui Fun Fifteen on your bookmarks tab and be involved!
Today December 4 - St Lukes...leave school at 10.40am.
Kapanui School to The Estuary Car park in Tutere St, Waikanae. Leaving school at 9:30 and leaving the Estuary at 2:15 to return to school on Tuesday the 10th of December. There will be 155 children and 12 adults on this trip. We are all going at the same time. Fun Swim times and dates Thurs 12 Dec - Rm 15Fri 13 Dec - Any classes who wish to go.
Ngā Kākano Syndicate information - Term 3, 2019
23rd July
Kia ora whānau,
Welcome back to term 3!
We hope you had lovely holidays with your children!
Term 3 Learning:
This term our main topic is “Change”.
In each class, this may look different. One class might look at the changes of growing plants another might look at change through colour blending and art, while another might look at the weather or states of matter e.g freezing, melting and heating.
Our Maths focus is Geometry and measurement along with our continuing numeracy work.
The school value for Term 3 is Responsibility - Te Kawenga
Pots for planting:
Many classes are growing plants as part of their Change topic. If you have any plastic plant pots, yoghurt pottles, bottles or containers that would be suitable for growing in, please send them to school.
If you are able to help with planting in your child’s class please let your child’s class teacher know.
This term is often notoriously cold! It is great if the children can wear layers of clothing. The mornings are cold but the classrooms can get very warm. The kids need to be able to take a layer off when they are warm and then layer up when they go outside for P.E and break times. We also ask that children have shoes they can manage themselves. The children often take their shoes off during the day for the library, PMP etc. and need to be able to put them on and do them up themselves.
Winter illness and chicken pox:
This is the time of year we get a lot of coughs and colds. If your child is sick, please keep them at home as this helps stop the illnesses spreading.
We currently have a lot of children arriving each day sick and are having to send them home again.
Arrival times and 3:00 pm pickup:
It is very important for children to be at school just before 8:55 a.m. This gives them time to settle in and get organised for the day. When children are late in the morning, it often disrupts the learning of the class. Children need to be picked up from their classes at 3:00 p.m. If you are unable to pick your child up on time we have Funzone after school care in our school hall. Teachers are often out of their classrooms in meetings or have parent meetings in their classes so prompt pick up is important.
Toys at school:
We don’t recommend children bringing toys to school as they can get lost or broken however, there are times when toys are allowed in the classes. Some children are enjoying using their toys during their play in the class, other classes have a day when sharing of toys is allowed. Please check with your child’s class teacher to see what they prefer in their classroom.
Loose Parts for play
We would love some more items to enrich our play programme. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any of these items we would love them!
Large and smaller cardboard tubes, long pipes and hoses
Old swim noodles, large plastic containers, buckets, rubbish bins
Large cable tubes. Planks of wood
Old cutlery, plates, pots, kitchen things, cups, saucers, jug, teapot, tea set
Netting, rope, baskets
Natural resources – stones, acorns, shells, driftwood, wood
Large pieces of fabric especially blue fabric, scarves
Tall branches to make teepees, tree stumps
Vinyl discs - LPs and CDs
Old broken computers, printers, clocks, toasters, laminators, keyboards etc
Wood and timber off cuts or driftwood
Dolls, dolls houses, etc.
We are looking forward to a busy and fun term in Ngā Kākano.
Nga mihi,
Wendy, Annie, Barb, Sue, Felicity, Carolyn, Shelley, Karina, Rebecca, Rose, Maria, and Michelle.
Ngā Kākano team.
Monday, 22 July 2019
week 1 term 3
letter m
Our topic for the term is CHANGE
We have had some interesting discussions as to what this may mean to children in Room 15.
Wednesday 3 July - children and parents invited to school from 6.30 am to share Matariki...bring your own cooker and breakfast.
Tough Whanau - Waikanae Park, Thursday 4 July - 11.00am-12.45pm: Kapanui Tough Whanau is a teams based event (six children from different year groups - Yrs 3-8) run over numerous obstacles and challenges over a 1km course. Students work as a team to get through the event.
A change of clothes is important because the participants are going to get wet and muddy! A towel would also be useful on the day.
Please note: This is a participatory event, with an emphasis on teamwork and encouragement. There are no merit prizes for finishing first, second or third. Year 1 & 2 students will be doing a smaller version of the course.
A sausage sizzle will be available for $2 at the event.
There is no postponement day - if it is wet, the kids get wet (and muddy)!
Parents are more than welcome to come down and see the event.
A quick overview of the course and event is available here:
Diversity week- looking forward to thursday afternoon for some shared stories from parents and grandparents about other places in the world
4 term 2 2019
letter b balloon fun/ our body/ building bridges/ blowing bubbles
I made a ship. His name is Bob. by Dimur
BOOK WEEK- lots of fun activities this week dress up as a character on Thursday- design a cover - lots of reading!! Book Character Dress Up Day tomorrow Thursday. Some great prizes for the best ones in each syndicate!
Remember we have PMP and PE every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9.10 am. This term we are getting fit for cross country and the obstacle course. Suitable footwear will be a good idea!
Letter Ll this week
Long stick down for lower case
long stick down with a bar for the upper case or capital letter.
a possum trap designed by Dimur
Join us for our assembly on Friday this week at 2 pm in the hall.
Children need to remember to return their poetry folder to the box each week for Thursday poem.
swimming sports 2019- tomorrow. We will go down shortly after 12 midday for our swim and sausage sizzle. We will stay for some of the competition and then return to school. Any help would be welcome!