Wednesday, 25 April 2018

week 1 term 2

welcome back to school for term 2

This term we are discovering and learning about change. We will talk about te ara- the seasons, matariki  and follow shadows and moon phases. We will have a go at making kites and flying  them!

Gymnastics is also on this term so we will be looking for parent helpers. The information will be in the newsletter home. 
The children are all signed up for study ladder which you can access on this blog menu bar. Have a go with them to get them started. there are loads of activities and fun things to achieve...all NZ curriculum based.

letter for week 1 is nN

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

week 10

Week 10

On Friday this week we are going on a walk and a picnic -- please remember to bring money for sausages and juicies. We will be going to the park and doing a rubbish clean up and an autumn walk. The picnic will be at the park by the skate park.

letter u