Sunday, 25 November 2018

week 7 term 4 2018

week 7 term 4 2018

Christmas at Kapanui at school on Friday this week from 4.00pm- please join us for food stalls, knickknacks and entertainment.πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…


Sunday, 18 November 2018

week 6 term 4 2018

shared kai and lunch on WEDNESDAY this week -
We are having shared kai for lunch on Wednesday 21st of November at 12:15. 
 This is to celebrate the end of our topic Te Mārae and our learning about the manners and kawa of sharing food and inviting guests. 
 We are asking each child to bring a plate of food to share and would love our whānau to join us for lunch at the hall.

  Please deliver the plates of food to the hall on Wednesday morning.

pl for play

Sunday, 11 November 2018

week 5 term 4 2018

week 5 term 4
swimming week
Swimming is every afternoon this week at the Waikane pools. We will change at school and walk down at about 1.50pm each day. Parent help is welcome!

cl blend

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

week 4 term 4 2018

week 4 bl

our Marae visit on Monday- Whakarongotai

welcome Anton

Sunday, 28 October 2018

week 3 term 4 2018

week 3 term 4 2018 ch blend


Sunday, 14 October 2018

week 1 term 4 2018

week 1 term 4
 th digraph

welcome back to term 4 2018

te marae is our topic this term and we will hopefully be visiting whakarongo marae later in the term 

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

week 8 term 3 2018

week 8 ing endings  

Welcome to Journey and welcome back Caleb.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

week 6/7 T 3 2018

week 7

POWHIRI this week on Wednesday for new students and our new principal. 

Letter endings s and es 

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Sunday, 12 August 2018

week 4 term 3 2018

W for Wednesday- strike day and school is closed for the day!

Sunday, 5 August 2018

week 3 term 3 2018

Week 3 Term3 2018

Life Education on Wednesday this week

What are the 7 nutrients required by our body?
(answer is below)


protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre, water, oils(Fats), carbohydrates

Saturday, 28 July 2018

week 2 T3 2018

week 2 T3 2018 letter qQ
Life education truck this week and off to see Harold about energy for our bodies.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

week 1 term 3

week 1 term 3 welcome back to our energy term! letter Mm

Saturday, 23 June 2018

WEEK 9 term 2 2018

week 9 term 2 2018

letter Uu


Next  week room 15 will be making kites with Yvonne de Mille a professional kite maker.

 This is part of our Matariki celebrations. Yvonne brings all of the resources or equipment required and the charge is $5 per child.


 The kite making session takes approximately one and a half hours. We have been told the kites are quite complex and we will need one adult to every child. Please 'rope in' all your extended family, there must be lots of grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and friends who would love to spend time with your child! 

Room 15 3 July 9am

Sunday, 10 June 2018

week 7and 8 term 2 2018

Week 7 and 8 Matariki

21 June- shortest day!

week 7 term 2 2018 letter j week 8 letter

Saturday, 19 May 2018

week 4 term 2 2018

week 4

Cross Country. Thursday 24th May 11am. Waikanae Park.22/5

Nga kakano will be running first and the children have a fun run obstacle course option as well as a competitive race. Whanau colours to be worn where possible.

I saw a really good magic trick today.It was by Ms Pearson and this is what she did.So first she got a cup and put water in it.Then she got some help and then she got a and then put the card on the bottom of the cup then she turned over the cup and the next thing you know the water was in the cup and she didn't have her hand on the card and it was so cool.
 By Kyren

The mammoth powers of air pressure. The air that is all around us reaches right to the edge of space is pressing down on US like a massive weight. Its pressing down and up as well. The force of airpressure pressing up on the card is stronger than the force of gravity trying to pull down. No one got wet!

letter bB

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

week 3 term 2 2018

week 3 term 2

Remember there is an early pick up on Wednesday this week for interviews in years 3 to 8. Our gym programme will still be run and children will go up to Memorial Hall at approximately 11.25 am for a 11.30 am start.
The first session went well and room 15 really enjoyed the programme. THANKYOU to all parents and caregivers who helped out. 
Cross country is close. Nga kano children are training at PE sessions and we will have a couple of options on the day for this space...should be a fun event!

Tuesday 15th May 9am Everyone welcome
 John Brunton & Michelle Whitaker Our Associate Principals
Great way to get all the latest info about our school and ask any questions
πŸŽ‚πŸ»In the staff room
Join us for coffee, cake and a chat 

letter of the week  hH

we are watching this tree change outside our classroom 16/5/18 and we have painted it!

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Week 2 term 2

week 2
 We begin gym this week at memorial hall ...Wednesday at So far it looks as though we will be ok for transport on most days. The children really enjoy this programme of gym and it is paid for by the school and so we rely on parent generocity for assistance with the programme and transport to and from Waikanae memorial Hall.

ALL children must return their permission slip to attend the programme.

I have 2 sons graduating in the next 2 weeks and so will be away this Thursday and the following Wednesday . (16 May) Rose Graham will be in on Thursday this week.

letter of the week

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

week 1 term 2

welcome back to school for term 2

This term we are discovering and learning about change. We will talk about te ara- the seasons, matariki  and follow shadows and moon phases. We will have a go at making kites and flying  them!

Gymnastics is also on this term so we will be looking for parent helpers. The information will be in the newsletter home. 
The children are all signed up for study ladder which you can access on this blog menu bar. Have a go with them to get them started. there are loads of activities and fun things to achieve...all NZ curriculum based.

letter for week 1 is nN

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

week 10

Week 10

On Friday this week we are going on a walk and a picnic -- please remember to bring money for sausages and juicies. We will be going to the park and doing a rubbish clean up and an autumn walk. The picnic will be at the park by the skate park.

letter u

Thursday, 22 March 2018

week 9 term 1 2018

week 9

Last week to celebrate Movin March!Last chance to fill up your passports.

Tuesday 1pm Movin March Triathlon. You will need 3 per team.

A cyclist, a scooter person and a runner. We will have a competition!

Who can come up with the fastest and best dressed team!

Wednesday is walk your parents to school. Double whanau points.

Triple whanau points if you walk your grandparents to school!

Thursday from 8am onwards our yummy school breakfast.

Come to the hall for a free breakfast organised by your wonderful mediators!

Happy Easter to all...stay safe and see you next Wednesday

Thursday, 15 March 2018

week 8 term 1 2018

week 8- Movin March
Tuesday . Walk your dog to school (parents to walk their dog home again, doggies cannot stay at school sorry!). Double whanau points.
Wednesday. Fancy Feet Day. Decorate your shoes. Parade in the Hall. Prizes.Friday: Poster competition. You have a week to draw your dream set of wheels.

Hand it in on Friday 23rd. Prizes.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

week 7 term 1 2018

Week 7 term 1 2018

Movin March

scooter races Tuesday

passport at gate daily

decorate your bike on FRIDAY 

letter f

Saturday, 24 February 2018

week 5 term 1 2018

week 5

swimming sports are this week Thursday 1 March. All help welcome!

 letter Gg

Sunday, 11 February 2018

week 3 term 1 2018

week 3 term 1 2018

Letter a
Welcome to week 3....have you signed up for SEESAW?....this is a way to keep up with day to day learning with your child. Most messages can be emailed but SEESAW is an instant message to your phone. Feel free to ask me about it if you are unsure.

 PMP begins this week 9am Monday Tuesday and Thursday.If you can help please let us know. 30 minute sessions. Perceptual motor programme- PMP is a programme which aims to develop the child's perceptions and understandings of himself or herself in relation to her/his world, through movement/motor experiences. It aims to develop perceptions of height and space, the pattern and order of the child's natural world, the laws and limitations that govern the human body. Above all it aims to give the child confidence to manipulate him/herself in their world to suit her or his own best interests. PMP is seen as part of the programme of total experiences. It is not a physical education programme alone, or music, or fitness, or dance, or gymnastics. It is a programme that uses facets of all of the above in order to develop children's perceptions. The perceptions and judgments that are formed over time help determine how children react to their environment, to others, and to new ideas. - PMP is different because it aims to develop the child rather than the skill. It is not purely a motor programme. It is a perceptual motor programme where language is the key factor in providing the perceptual knowledge about the motor experience. The programme has its roots in the development of language, the gaining of problem solving skills, and general readiness areas. The Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP) is a step-by step programme, designed and individualised for the development of PERCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE and JUDGEMENT. Perceptual knowledge/judgement comes from physical and sensory experiences that are repeated over and over. The perceptions that are formed over time help determine how children react to their environment, to others, and to new ideas. When this is well developed, consequential reactions are more likely to be appropriate for any given situation. When it is not, it can impede learning. Children with common problems such as inattention, day dreaming, wandering, laziness, clumsiness, and disruptive behaviour are often those with a poorly developed "perceptual world." These children risk becoming frustrated and stressed which can shut down their ability to concentrate and comprehend. A consistent and varied "diet" of physical and sensory experience is the key to developing perceptual judgments. The greater the store of experiences the better developed the perceptions and motor reactions. And when those perceptions and reactions become automatic, the brain is free for higher thinking tasks. In short, refining perceptual judgments prepare the brain for learning.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

week 2

week 2 term 1 2018
letter o

amelia's mouth and close amelia's mouth

Sunday, 14 January 2018

week 1 2018 term 1

welcome to room 15 Kapanui School

Welcome to Room 15 Kapanui School 2018
I look forward to meeting with some of you again and welcoming all those who are new to Kapanui and to Rose Graham and me. Rose teaches in Room 15 on Friday’s and I am here on the other 4 days.
If at any time you have concerns please feel free to chat, which may mean an appointed time depending on the circumstances. I have meetings after school on a Monday and often on a Tuesday.
Room 15 will have not one but two teachers!
The classroom blog site will run this year and can be accessed for you own information and keeping up with what we are doing plus giving the children somewhere to learn and practice new found learning. Many of the activities and songs on this site are also able to be accessed from the Kapanui website, Both sites can be accessed by your wider families and will keep you up to date with happenings in Kapanui Fun Fifteen.
We will also have the SEESAW APP in the classroom connecting you to your children’s work and play daily. You will receive an invitation via smartphone to access this app. The notifications from this will keep you up to date and you can contact me directly as well.
Library day is Friday and there is a library box for returns in the classroom. Poetry will go home on a Thursday and doubles as the Thursday reading task.
We are looking forward to the year and together we hope to do the very best for each of the children in the class.

Always feel free to come into class and we welcome your feedback and comments.

You also have a QR code for Seesaw and note to tell you about that.
Studyladder is another online site for your child to use. There is a page named studyladder at the top of the home page on this blog and when you activate easy logon your child can go to their personal logon and avatar, 

Welcome … always appreciated!

Wendy Pearson/Rose Graham