Thursday, 29 June 2017

week 10 term 2 2017

week 10

this is the link to the Maths Eyes holiday Competition
Powhiri on wednesday for new children to school...Leo in our class.

some maths ideas for home over the holidays

Snap Itgroups. Each child makes a train of connecting cubes of a specified number. On the signal “Snap,” children break their trains into two parts and hold one hand behind their back. Children take turns going around the circle showing their re- maining cubes. The other children work out the full number combination. For example, if I have 8 cubes in my number train I could snap it and put 3 behind my back. I would show my group the remaining 5 cubes and they should be able to say that three are missing and that 5 and 3 make 8. How Many Are Hiding? In this activity each child has the same number of cubes and a cup. They take turns hiding some of their cubes in the cup and showing the leftovers. Other children work out the answer to the question “How many are hiding,” and say the full number combination. Example: I have 10 cubes and I decide to hide 4 in my cup. My group can see that I only have 6 cubes. Stu- dents should be able to say that I’m hiding 4 cubes and that 6 and 4 make 10.

Multiplication Fact Activities

fwfpic3How Close to 100? This game is played in partners. Two children share a blank 100 grid. The first partner rolls two number dice. The numbers that come up are the numbers the child uses to make an array on the 100 grid. They can put the array anywhere on the grid, but the goal is to fill up the grid to get it as full as possible. After the player draws the array on the grid, she writes in the number sentence that describes the grid. The game ends when both players have rolled the dice and cannot put any more arrays on the grid. How close to 100 can you get? Pepperoni Pizza: In this game, children roll a dice twice. The first roll tells them how many pizzas to draw. The second roll tells them how many pepperonis to put on EACH pizza. Then they write the number sentence that will help them answer the question, “How many pepper- onis in all?” For example, I roll a dice and get 4 so I draw 4 big pizzas. I roll again and I get 3 so I put three pepperonis on each pizza. Then I write 4 x 3 = 12 and that tells me that there are 12 pepperonis in all.

Math Cards

Many parents use ‘flash cards’ as a way of encouraging the learning of math facts. These usually include 2 unhelpful practices – memorization without understanding and time pressure. In our Math Cards activity we have used the structure of cards, which children like, but we have moved the emphasis to number sense and the understanding of multiplication without any time constraints.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Material: one deck of math cards (see handout)

Task Instruction

  1. The aim of the activity is to match cards with the same numerical answer, shown through different representations.
  2. Lay all the cards down on a table and ask children to take turns picking them; pick as many as they find with the same answer (shown through any representation).
For example 9 and 4 can be shown with an area model, sets of objects such as dominoes, and the number sentence. When students match the cards they should explain how they know that the different cards are equivalent.  This activity encourages an understanding of multiplication as well as rehearsal of math facts.
the link to print the cards is below

Pepperoni Pizza

Number of Players: 1 or more
  • 2 dice per player
  • 10 or more snap cubes per player
Pepperoni Pizza

Task Instruction

  • Ask students roll a dice twice.
  • The first roll tells them how many pizzas to draw.
  • The second roll tells them how many pepperonis to put on EACH pizza.
  • Then they write the number sentence that will help them answer the question, “How many pepperonis in all?”
For example, I roll a dice and get 4 so I draw 4 big pizzas. I roll again and I get 3 so I put three pepperonis on each pizza. Then I write 4 x 3 = 12 and that tells me that there are 12 pepperonis in all.

Zoe's reading work

Ollie's reading work

Lake's writing

Saturday, 24 June 2017

week 9 term 2 2017

week 9 term 2 2017

from Jo Bolar
Number-line representation of number quantity has been shown to be particularly important for the development of numerical knowledge, and students’ learning of number lines is believed to be a precursor of children’s academic success.

Mathematics classrooms should be places where students believe:

Everyone can do well in math.
Mathematics problems can be solved with many different insights and methods.
Mistakes are valuable, they encourage brain growth and learning.
Mathematics will help them in their lives, not because they will see the same types of problems in the real world but because they are learning to think quantitatively and abstractly and developing in inquiry relationship with math.
Lettter U


Matariki Celebrations at Kapanui Thursday 29 June

 Open classes throughout the school from 11.20 am.

 Stay and have lunch with your child/ren in their Whanau groups.

 A Whanau Hui will be held in the staffroom at 5.30 pm bring your family and shared kai. 


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Sunday, 4 June 2017

week 6 term 2 2017

week 6
letter i I

Cross country
Remember fancy dress/ whanau colours and cross fingers for good weather!
The planned timetable for Tuesday 6 June is:

Cross Country Timetable

10.30am - morning tea

10.50am - whanau
11.00am - down to park
11.30am - Year 1 Race - Boys & Girls
11.40am - Year 2 Race - Boys & Girls
11.50am - Year 1 & 2 Fun Run
12.10pm - Year 3 Race - Boys & Girls (1 lap)
12.20pm - Year 4 Race - Boys & Girls (1 lap)
12.40pm - Year 5 Race - Boys & Girls (2 laps)
12.45pm - Year 6 Race - Boys & Girls (2 laps)
1.10pm - Year 7 & 8 Fun Run/Walk (2 laps) - Boys & Girls
1.15pm - Year 7 Race - Boys & Girls (3 laps)
1.25pm -Year 8 Race - Boys & Girls (3 laps)
2.00pm - Finish and return to school

These times are approximate and will depend on how slow or fast the runners are. We will try to keep to the timetable as close as possible.