Room 15 at Kapanui School is a year one/ two class at Kapanui School in 2019.We are discoverers and want you to be a part of our whanau. Be a part of our class blog and begin our journey for 2019. Welcome to our blog!
Here you will find children's writing, maths, weekly activities and it will update you on class happenings. Keep Kapanui Fun Fifteen on your bookmarks tab and be involved!
Check out SEESAW....our class feed on your phone. An introductory video is on week 8 of this blog.
Gym continues on Thursday - 9.20 am and leave school at 9.10am- thankyou to those who have been transporting children and helping at the sessions. Thankyou also to all those who are providing a booster seat.
Puss n Boots (NZ playhouse performers)
Date: 22nd March - School Hall.
Cost: $4:50. Money to classroom teachers.
Time: 11:20am. This show will be offered to year
1-6 students.
Invitations will be sent to new families to attend
a Powhiri on 12 April at 10.30 am.
Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP)
Is a programme designed to help children in their
early years of schooling to better cope with the
demands of classroom learning. It concentrates
heavily on perceptions and language but also
aims to develop memory, hand/ eye coordination,
spatial awareness, body rhythm and
balance. It also improves fitness and confidence.
All of these attributes are needed in the formal
setting of the classroom. Children are often
required to sit still on the mat, a high form of
balance, to track words across a page, to follow a
set of instructions etc. PMP aims to give the
children the skills they need for this and more.
Gymnastics at Memorial Hall begins this week on Thursday.At this stage we do not have enough transport for our 9.20 am session ...leave school after roll call. Can you help?
I am on a course Tuesday and Wednesday so if you could let my reliever know would be appreciated for Thursday morning.