Room 15 at Kapanui School is a year one/ two class at Kapanui School in 2019.We are discoverers and want you to be a part of our whanau. Be a part of our class blog and begin our journey for 2019. Welcome to our blog!
Here you will find children's writing, maths, weekly activities and it will update you on class happenings. Keep Kapanui Fun Fifteen on your bookmarks tab and be involved!
On Thursday this week teachers are attending a paid union meeting in the afternoon....please make sure you have given details of pick up to room 15 teacher!
Unprecedented combined meetings of 60,000 PPTA and NZEI Te Riu Roa members begin around the country next week.
Educators from early childhood to secondary schooling are uniting to respond to the government’s proposal for Global Funding, saying it is a return to Bulk Funding and could result in fewer teachers and larger class sizes.
The government has also refused to explore any increase in funding for education.
Meetings will be held between 5 and 16 September, from Kaitaia to Invercargill, starting in Auckland on the 5th
Children’s learning is under attack at the moment
The Government is proposing to bring back bulk funding for schools, redistribute special education funding, open up American-style online schools to compete with our public schools and throw more money at the failed charter schools experiment!
But hope is on the way.
Next week NZEI Te Riu Roa and PPTA members are joining forces to take an historic stand for better funding and defending our public education system.