Wednesday, 24 September 2014

week 10 term 3

week 10 term 3 2014

kupu te wiki- awa- river
Ka whakawhiti tātou i te awa i te wāhi whāiti.
We’ll cross the river at the narrow part.

food of the week - rice

Our visit this week to the new bridge over the Waikanae River

A big thankyou to the parents who helped
 read our cool stories!
We went to the Waikanae River and we saw a crane. We saw a steel flower and I went with Finn and I heard a pirate song.
By Journey

We went to the new bridge and we went to see the crane. It was BIG!
By Maggie

 We went to the Waikanae River and we saw a bridge being built. The crane built the bridge.
By Kyle
 We went to the Waikanae River and we saw a crane. We saw a steel flower and I went with Finn and I heard a pirate song.
By Journey
 We went to see cranes and we went to Waikanae River and it was a trip there. The men will build a bridge.
By Tyler

We went to see the work builders at the Waikanae bridge and we saw a digger.

By James

 I went to see the crane at Waikanae River and its name is Roseanna!
By Nikitah
We went to the river. I saw a crane.

By Kiana
 I went to see the new bridge and I saw it being built.
By Lachie

I went to Waikanae River and saw the bridge being built. I liked it. The crane moved.
By Arna
 We went to see the crane at Waikanae and I saw some workers building the bridge over the river for some cars and trucks. And there were tall cranes.
By Manaia

I went to see the Waikanae bridge being built and fifty trucks of concrete fill up the steel piles.

By Finn
I went to the bridge being built and it was fun.
By Michael.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

week 8

Week 8

ed endings
kupu te wiki niho----teeth
food of the week - cauliflower

rhyming words...let's talk lots about rhyme..make games with the competitions on rhyming words....hear the same sounds....have fun with rhyme.
9+9...............know these as fast as you hear them!
numbers to 10 .....2+8, 3+7 etc finger play and counting fingers up plus fingers down to 10
Dice patterns.....board games are great for learning the dice patterns quickly.
Count backwards and forwards from ANY number to 30
We are doing 3x2  and more as....three groups of 2....make and then write.

We are saying 15 bugs....3 many in each bug catcher ? and then ..... 15 fairshared between 3 and written as........15÷3= 5 ( you can try this with all sorts of other scenarios!)

we are going to see the new bridge under construction next Tuesday at 11.30 am....please send your form in if you can help with transport...

sorry this is late this week!
Study ladder is up to date with the whole class on the register...try it by going to the page at the top of the blog home page.