Sunday, 14 April 2013

Week 11

Week 11 

"er" sound of the week
brother sister

Pet Day on Wednesday this week....a can of dog food entry . 

Learning Journeys home this week....please return at beginning of term 2.
Swimming only weather permitting.

Do you have a toy or game that you don’t need anymore?
Is it in good condition?
Do you think someone else might enjoy playing with it?

Then come to the Kapanui Swap a Toy Party!

When: Thursday 23rd May, 1pm.
Viewing time: 8.00-9.00am in the School Hall.
Why: Because we don’t need to spend money on new toys when we can recycle what we have with others.

If you would like to be part of the party you must:
1. Fill out the permission slip from the newsletter and return to room 11 with your toys.
2. Have your toys checked by Miss Hakkens by Wednesday May 22nd.

* You will get a coupon which will be used to purchase a new toy of your choice from the stage.

Monday, 8 April 2013

week 10

week 10 term 1

  sound of the week     "th"
thistle    thumb    thought
this    there      then  the
other  mother another brother
both froth    Beth

Book of the week

Another Mother

Swimming as usual on Wednesday....join us for our last day in the pool.....hope for some more sun to finish off!
Today....^Tuesday we had a POLICE CAR visit us...excitement.
Have a look at our bush picture outside the classroom....our Mangaone trip gave us great writing. 
I have been really pleased to see children making some real progress with their writing. Have a look at our quality writing wall when next you are in!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

week 9 term 1 2013

Week 9 ..a short week!

"ed" endings

 Big Book- The fun Bus
Swimming as normal on Wednesday