Monday, 25 March 2013

WEEK 8 term 1 2013

WEEK 8 Easter week!

This week we will be walking at Magaone - Wednesday, and then Thursday something to do with Easter eggs!
This weeks focus is "ing" ending........check out the Dinosaur reading group....many "ing" endings.
Big Book- The Fun Bus
Our Magaone bush trip was fantastic...thankyou to all the parents who helped...we had a great day and here is some of the writing and photos from the day.
The Bush
The bush is damp and dark, relaxing.

The trees tall, small, holey and rough, smooth, tickly, wet.

The leaves are skeletons, soft prickly and hard, ticklish, spiky.
The track is wet and mucky, dry, rocky,
The leaf litter is dead and yellow , brown, soft, full of bugs.
The bush is fun and cold, alive, good to hide in.   
By Ryan, Kyan and Leah Room 16 Term 1 2013

WEEK 8 Easter week!

This week we will be walking at Magaone - Wednesday, and then Thursday something to do with Easter eggs!
This weeks focus is "ing" ending........check out the Dinosaur reading group....many "ing" endings.
Big Book- The Fun Bus
Our Magaone bush trip was fantastic...thankyou to all the parents who helped...we had a great day and here is some of the writing and photos from the day.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Week 7 term 1 2013

Week 7

This week we will not have a particular letter but will be looking at "s" and " es" endings.

Boys- boys
bus - buses 
For most nouns, just add -s
For nouns ending in s, x, z, ch or sh, add -es

Have fun at home....!
The school will be closed on Tuesday afternoon for an NZEI meeting which  all teacher  have to attend...sorry for the inconvenience. 
Swimming as normal on Wednesday afternoon with Discovery in the morning session. 

Monday, 11 March 2013

week 6 term 1

Letter Z

SWIMMING on Wednesday as normal! Change of date and time .....TUESDAY 19 MARCH 1pm ....the staff will be attending an NZEI meeting in Levin ...children to be picked up at 1pm where possible.. I have spare notices if you need one.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Week 5 term 1 2013

We have a busy week coming up....on TUESDAY we are visiting Nga Manu to particularly look at flora and fauna....lots of activities and fun stuff...thankyou to those who have paid and returned permission slips. A huge thankyou to those of you who are coming with us and helping to transport on the day. On swimming sports and we will get to swim as well in the little pool....please bring any sausage sizzle money to me by Wednesday morning at the latest.

 letter of the week x

There will be a fund raising cake stall on Thursday......cupcakes or cakes for sale for money to paint our discovery shed.Your help would be appreciated. great day at Nga Manu much to do and see and the children really took on board the careful looking. Another thankyou to all helpers on the are all stars!