Sunday, 23 September 2012

week 11 term 3 2012

Remember over the holidays to try Studyladder....all accessible from this website....follow the page ...studyladder the top of the blog and all passwords and logins are there for you to use.
Looking forward to refreshed children in term 4 and more progress with learning. 
They have all made fantastic starts to their school years!
Wishing you all a happy and safe time. 
Check out the calendars which the children have illustrated for ....they are in the classroom for you to view....and then to buy as a gift or for the home walls! Info sent today in book bags.

We also had some fantastic science this week
bubble mixture
Mix and watch!

Letter of the week Letter Y I I will be in town on Wednesday this week with some seniors playing the game...Cloak of Protection......check out    to order this amazing card game which children love playing. Kapanui gets points for games sold and you can buy online...... A tournament will be held in 2013 to see who really can play well....Kapanui children have been trialling   the game and are good!
...back on Thursday! We will be doing some YEASTY tricks this week....letter Y Check out our Monday Visitors.....thankyou Willie and Tiana

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Week 10 term 3

Another message to parents! I have put the study ladder website and passwords on a page across the top of the blog for easier access....Kyan and Alex have been trying some of the learning material out...have a try and let me know how you get on....there are some excellent games etc. all at oa appropriate level. 
We went for  a spring walk on Thursday

Sucking the nectar from nasturtion....mmmmm
 ....and then observational drawing of the alligator.......

Letter of the week .......U

Saturday, 8 September 2012

week 9 term 3 2012

Message for parents and carers....the children were ear and eye tested today Thursday 13 September.....find a note in the book bag with results.

REMEMBER to return poetry books to the box in room 16!!!

letter of the week ...letter T
Some teachers from the Discoverer's syndicate will be away tomorrow from 12 o'clock so singing may not happen for Monday. On Wednesday this week I will be away all day with the Kapanui choir at Artsplash so Mrs Graham will be in for me. Hoping to see our glazed tiles this week...we painted the glaze on Thursday last week and they will be going back into the kiln for firing....they will look great!
look for these outside our room.

Tiana and her duckling

duckling one or ...two

Thankyou Wiilie - Tiana's Oma

Our gorgeous tiles are ready....check them out at school

special leaf....skeleton....web.....a puka leay skeleton
T for tiger...hopefully we will make one of these before the week finishes!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Week 8 Term 3

Welcome to Ryan....perhaps our last entry for 2012 in room 16!

17 children in our busy classroom 

We wrote about Taine's special necklace and my special brooch. The children then thought of something special in their lives and wrote a story about them....Kyan brought in a picture of his old car which was special to him.

 This is a polymer which started off very small and then we added water ....they all grew slippery and squashy and slimy to the touch!....I wonder if they will reduce in size without the water over the weekend.Take a look on my desk next time you are in and the children will show you their polymer bead.
 The cube kept it's shape as did the spheres.

this weeks letter is..................................

e for egg                e for eel              e for ...
Hard to believe it is week 8 already and we have almost a full class....
This week we will see our clay tiles glazed and finished ready for the children to take home. Watch this space for some science in the classroom...e for egg....a candle and a narrow necked bottle.
More later in the week.

Mediators in our school solve playground problems by using four key strategies: 

1. agree to solve the problem
2. no interrupting
3. be as honest as you can
4. no name calling

Check out the 2012 mediator group who came to our class on Monday. Try this link for some practise work and here are the login passwords

Username  Password
Alex aex8748 wish
Brooke bro10444 blue
Felix fel1029 week
Izobel izb221 seat
Jackson jck12372 sit
Kyan kyn620 leap
Leah lea2337 sun
Lilly lil7478 ice
Ollie oli7469 clock
Rafferty rff96 hay
Rosa roa2102 fox
Ryan rya6044 roof
Taine tai3719 pen
Tiana tan4407 meal
Tommie tom10270 blue